President's Message

Dear members and friends:

I am honored to serve as the President of the Asian American Attorneys Association (“AAAA”) and to contribute to our great organization. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of our friends. Your membership and support are the driving forces behind our establishment and growth.
AAAA is committed to providing a platform for communication and collaboration for Asian American lawyers and related professionals, promoting the development of Asian American lawyers and their interests, and serving our community and the public. In this process, we will uphold the principles of integrity, fairness, professionalism, and innovation, and fulfill our duties to our members and community.
In this era, our society is facing various challenges and opportunities. As lawyers, we should uphold professional ethics and spirit, and provide the best quality services for our clients and society. At the same time, we should always pay attention to social and public issues, actively participate in and promote public affairs, and make contributions to the development and progress of the society.
I hope that our association can become a united and enterprising organization, providing help and support for Asian American lawyers and related professionals, and serving our community and the public. I also hope that our members and the broader community can actively participate in our work, and let us move towards a better future together.